Anqi Yang

I'm a Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Prof. Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan. My thesis has been focused on pushing the frontier of mobile photography, by jointly design camera optics, sensor, and efficient deep restoration algorithms. I have won best paper award at ICCP in 2021 and Google Anita Borg Scholarship in 2016.

My research interest includes:

  • novel cameras design, such as under-display cameras
  • efficient deep learning for camera ISP and downstream tasks
  • extend the capability of photography using diffusion models
  • Prior to that, I obtained my M.S. degree from the Robotics Institute at CMU and my M.S. thesis was on 3D object detection, segmentation, and classfication for dense 3D volumes. I obtained my B.Eng. degree from School of Software Engineering at Tongji University, working with Prof. Lin Zhang.

    I have spent wonderful summers as research interns at Google Labs, Samsung Research America, and University of Toronto.

    Email  /  CV  /  Scholar

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    Fast Video Denoising with Uncalibrated Webcams
    Anqi Yang, Zhichao Yin, Rahul Garg, Xin Tong
    Under submission, 2024
    paper coming soon

    Key words: Efficient deep learning, test-time adaptation, camera noise modeling

    A fast denoising framework that adapts off-the-shelf lightweight neural networks to denoise a wide variety of webcams at test time.

    Designing Phase Masks for Under-Display Cameras
    Anqi Yang, Eunhee Kang, Hyong-Euk Lee, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan
    ICCV, 2023
    project page / video / paper

    Key words: Under-display camera, diffractive optical elements, optimization

    Under-display cameras is an emerging type of camera that can image a scene through the openings of the display screens. This work proposes a novel design of diffractive optical elements that effectively renders the display screen invisible from the camera's perspective and keeps the display quality high at the same time.

    Designing Display Pixel Layouts for Under-Panel Cameras
    Anqi Yang, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan
    TPAMI / ICCP, 2021   (Best Paper Award)
    paper / video / press

    Key words: Joint optimization of camera and image restoration algorithms, camera ISP, deep learning-based deblurring, hardware prototype, wave optics

    The opening patterns on the display plays a crucial role in determining diffractive blur in under-panel cameras. This work proposes a suite of modifications to the display opening patterns that significantly increases the imaging quality of UDCs.

    SliceNets --- A Scalable Approach for Object Detection in 3D CT Scans
    Anqi Yang, Feng Pan, Vishwanath Saragadam, Duy Dao, Zhuo Hui, Jen-Hao Chang, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan
    WACV, 2021
    paper / supp / video

    Key words: 3D object detection, segmentation, classification, leverage 2D to 3D

    This work addresses the challenging task of automated object detection in aviation screening with 3D computed tomography scans. We propose a slice-and-fuse framework, that slices 3D volumes into 2D slices, leverages efficient 2D detectors (e.g. RetinaNet), and fuse 2D predictions back to 3D.

    Pain Expression Recognition using Occluded Face
    Ahmed Ashraf, Anqi Yang, Babak Taati
    FG, 2019   (Best Poster Award)

    Key words: Facial landmarks, biometrics, machine learning for regression and classification

    This paper presents a preliminary study on automatic recognition of facial expression in ICU settings, where the patient face is partially occluded by surgery masks.

    Towards Contactless Palmprint Recognition: A Novel Device, A New Benchmark, and A Collaborative Representation Based Identification Approach
    Lin Zhang, Lida Li, Anqi Yang, Ying Shen, Meng Yang
    Pattern Recognition, 2017
    project page / paper

    Key words: Biometric recognition, sparse representation, classification

    This paper presents a novel contacless palmprint acquisition system, a large-scale palmprint benchmark, as well as a novel machine learning-based palmprint classification algorithm.


    ICCP Best Paper Award, 2021
    Liang Ji-Dian Fellowship, 2022
    Tan Endowed Graduate Fellowship, 2022
    Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship, 2016


    cs188 Recitation TA, CMU-18290 Signals and Systems
    Recitation TA, CMU-18793 Image and Video Processing

    Last updated: Feb. 29, 2024.

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